Our cousin Jennifer is in town from New Orleans and she got to meet Logan, he really liked her. Her brother Ricky was there also and he was the one who cooked. He made two different types of quiche, they were both yummy, Logan even liked them. It really was a very nice visit and I am glad we got to get over there to see them all.
Any ways, we have lots to do the next few days and I am so excited to see Logan's face Christmas morning, I hope to post some video Christmas morning. Last year he was only home a few months and it was all a bit much for him, this year is a whole different story all though I think he will be a bit over-stimulated he will be able to handle it better. I remember last year on the way home Christmas Eve he sat in his car seat screaming at the top of his lungs letting it all out on our way home. He wasn't screaming because he was mad or throwing a fit it is his way to get it all out. He still does this every once in a while but not near as often as he used to.
Happy Holidays!
P.S. Happy Birthday Mom!
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