Sunday, May 4, 2008

In Total Shock

I got a call the other day to tell me that Laura Cleves was killed by a drunk driver the other night. Laura Cleves was the chief investigator on our criminal case against Orson Mozes/AIP in Santa Barbara, CA. Just from our emails and phone conversations over the past 2 1/2 years I could tell she was an amazing person. Laura was the only one with any authority that listen to me and had compassion about what happened to us. I am afraid if it weren't for her hard work and dedication that Orson would still be in business.

I am in total shock. It looks as if the police responded to a call of a suspicious drunk driver stopped on the road. When they walked to the car the driver took off crossed the double yellow lines into on coming traffic striking Laura's car head on. This girl was only 22, now instead of facing a DUI this girl will spend many years in jail for killing someone. She took someone else's life because of a stupid decision and now she will pay with hers. I am just floored and cannot for the life of me understand how someone could be soooooo stupid. Laura will be missed dearly by all our families in this case, she touched many of our lives with her dedication to helping victims. My heart goes out to her family and friends and may you rest in peace Laura.

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