Thursday, September 24, 2009

Something Strange is Going On?

So my friend called me the other day and started telling me about this broom where her Mom works standing up all by itself. She said it had something to do with the way the earth was on it's axis right now. Of course I had to try this and it worked. I just did some Goggle searches for it and I found a couple of different things about it but not much. It seems like this is happening all over the country right now and some people say its because brooms can stand like that? I know my broom has never stood alone before so I tried it with my outside broom and it worked. Check out the video I took of it, even Logan got it to stand up. Whatever the reason is behind it I think it pretty cool. I just wonder how long this is going to happen for? So you readers out there try it especially you out of country readers try it with your broom and leave a comment if it worked or not.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Strange is right maybe creepy!