Saturday, September 30, 2006

Our Trip Home

Well, we made it! It took us 2 different planes and about 19 hours to get home but we all made it in one piece and with all of our luggage, amazing. We flew Delta this time and Jeff and I both preferred Northwest. The nice thing is, is that Delta and NW are sky partners so we got to transfer our miles to NW so we should get a free flight out of all the travel we have did over-seas now.

I think for everything our little chicken man has been through in the least week he did a great job on the planes. We had one melt down and that is when we started to descend into Atlanta coming from Moscow, the poor baby was asleep and his ears popped and he woke up scared and in pain. I did everything I could to get him to suck on a bottle, nook or his thumb but he was not having any part of it. He finally got startled by the kid behind us and took a deep breath and popped his ears open. I felt so bad not being able to comfort him but as soon as his ears opened up he fell right back to sleep. He fell asleep on the way home from the airport and slept the whole night from about 11 pm to 8:30 am.

We were on the plane and I was up waiting for the rest-room and I looked back and there was Jeff standing there holding Logan and I was overwhelmed with emotions. I couldn't believe there was my great husband holding our son. This man had taken us over 5000 miles to find our son. We have been trying to start a family for almost 5 years now and it was really something to see my family right in front of my eyes, it truly was a WONDERFUL SIGHT!

It is great to be home with him and it all feels so surreal still. I will update while he naps (if he naps) he does not like to nap, everything is so new and he does not want to miss anything. We have limited his toys and no TV, he gets overstimulated so easy because he had such a simple life before.

We are family!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Allyson said...

Welcome Home. :o)