Logan was sooooooooo excited to make the move and he has done remarkably well. I pumped him up about it for 3 weeks and then We all went to the store and picked one out. NOTE to OTHERS: Make sure you get a convertible crib that goes thru all 3 stages. Logan's crib is beautiful but it goes right into a Full size bed. I guess I didn't put much thought into it when we picked it out. It is timeless, beautiful furniture that I hope he has for his whole life and can pass onto his kids.
I didn't think that putting him into a full bed was a good idea, I thought he would be more comfortable in a "smaller big bed", we needed to make the move just for safety he is getting way to big for a crib. It was going to be now or after the Holidays so we went with now. He has stayed in his bed all night besides 1 night, I heard this big crash in the monitor and I flew up the stairs in record time to find him diving back in his bed with a STACK of books. It really was funny, for those of you who don't know L hated books for about the first 3 months home now he loves them and can't get enough.
Any ways, he is doing great in his bed, he loves it. I think what he likes the best is just being able to get in it by himself, he makes this big deal out of it every time when getting in, way to cute!
We have been busy, our "story Time" at the library has started back up again and so has play-group. We are out Monday and Weds mornings every week. I am so thankful for the interaction with other adults and Logan loves it. He is not really into the actual stories, honestly the Liberian is a very boring lady and she puts no emotion into her stories. I still like to take him, he gets to play on the computer and there is a bunch of other stuff to do also. Before we leave we check out a few books. I love his face when we take them back and he drops them in the return slot.
We have had really nice weather up until this past week, fall has officially arrived. We need hats and gloves outside :~( I am sad. I do not like being cold!
The time change wasn't to awful, I didn't think it would be I started the day before. Logan woke up about an hour and a half earlier than normal so it worked out good to roll him back, I think he was back to normal yesterday. Logan has had a slight fever the past 2 days but he was in really good spirits. Today the fever is gone so we got to go the play-group, it was really strange no other symptoms at all.
Playing in the leaves with Daddy
Oh my gosh he looks like such a big kid in the pile of leaves. Your right all of the baby is gone!!! I know sad. He looks adorable in the pic with his bed too!!! Tania
It looks like they are having so much fun!
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