Friday, January 5, 2007

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to all of you! I hope your 2006 was as blessed as ours. I cannot begin to tell you how fortunate I feel to finally have the baby I have longed for for so many years. I have always known that things happen for a reason and I know that we had to wait until Logan was ready for us even though we were ready for him a long time ago, I cannot imagine any other baby being ours. I love him more than I could ever say or express.

This past year came with some heartache as well as joy. I lost my dog Baylee, on the 4th of July, the day we left to go and meet Logan and I still miss her everyday.

To all of you that have supported Jeff and I in our decision on attachment parenting, I can not thank you enough. I know it has not been easy but your love and encouragement that we did/are doing the right thing means more to us than you will ever know. We know that this was right for him, he has blossoming into this smart beautiful boy and we see him trusting us more every day. He has grown so much, I measured/weighed him yesterday and he is now 28 pounds and is 32 inches tall, WOW, he must have some serious growing pains going on. He has 2 more teeth coming in, that makes 6 total. For the first time about a week ago Logan actually laid his head on my shoulder and just hung there for about 10 minutes, it was such a loving moment, he has finally started feeling comfortable and I think trusting in Jeff and I, that is such a wonderful thing. I will post a few pics in the next couple of days, I must go get my little cutie up :)

1 comment:

Allyson said...

Happy New Year to you too. Yes, you were blessed this year. :o)

We have waited a week, still no pics. Lets see em. :o)