The other BIG thing that I signed Logan up for was Preschool. It was a hard day kind of :0( I can't believe my baby is going off to school. I am sad but happy at the same time. I'm happy because L really needs to go off to school to be with other kids everyday and it's going to be nice having a few hours to get some things done by my self come this fall. I am sad because my baby is growing up way to fast!
We have been so busy working around the house. I lifted all of the pavers on both sides of our driveway and leveled them out. They have really caved in and separated since we moved in 6 yrs ago and I could see it was an accident waiting to happen. That took me about a week total, there is still more that needs to be done in the back by our deck but that is going to have to wait. I must say I did a really good job for having never tried it before;0) We moved a yard of mulch, well Jeff pretty much did most of the mulch because of my neck. I planted the garden and all of my flowers are done, I even pulled a Radish out of the ground the other day and Logan ate it up :0) I had to chop down 2 Sandcherry shrubs because of disease now I need to get the stumps out so I can replace them with these really cool shrubs I bought. We opened the pool, well Jeff did that to :0), I did put some Chlorine in the day before he took the cover off and I could see down inside that the water was clear, yahoo that made it so much easier. We have our Sub garage sale this Thursday, Fri and Sat so the past 3 days I had to get ready for that. Oh and the list can go on because you know then there is all of the inside chores that need to get done also.I had Logan call his Papa and ask him to come over with his new toy (a powerwasher) and clean the play-scape off. It needs to be painted and having papa do it is going to save me a days work, thanks Dave!
I have made time for Logan also, he has really got to hang out with his friends in the neighborhood a lot these past few months since it has gotten warm. The other day there were 4 Mom's and 7 kids just having a BLAST together, it's going to be a FUN summer and a long one all my boy wants to do is play outside with the other kids.
I finally did the storybook from Shutterfly from our journey to Logan. I did from trip one until the day we finally brought Logan home and landed in the US. I hope to take some pics of some of the pages and post them. I really can't wait to see it, I'm so excited:0) It did take me a few days to do it, so if you want to do one plan on it, it is definitely time consuming.
Any ways, here are some pictures of my little cutie and one of Julia thrown in there because she is just so cute :0) And yes I know my boy needs a hair cut, can you believe how big his Mohawk is, LOL! It just so happens we are going today.
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