Monday, January 14, 2008

Suffering from TMJ

I have been unable to open my mouth further than about a 1/4 inch for the past 3 days now. This happened to me about 2 1/2 years ago for the first time. I will never forget I was chewing a Milk Dud and my jaw popped, a few days later my jaw locked up and it freaked me out. I had no idea what the heck was happening. I went right to my Dr. and they sent me to the dentist where he fitted me for a mouth piece to wear while I was sleeping. It was about 4 days before I could open my mouth all the way. I was never told how debilitating this can be in so many different ways.

I have had some minor medical issues since all of this stuff has been going on with my jaw. Besides my jaw locking up and popping all the time I have suffered from Vertigo off and on for years now, NOT FUN! There seemed to be no reason besides there was always fluid in my ears and the Dr. always said that it had nothing to do with my TMJ, but my symptoms go on and on and have gotten worse over the years. I always thought that they did go hand and hand because when ever I was feeling really bad my jaw was tight and popping and I had fluid in my ears. I have never had ear problems not even as a kid but now I have clear fluid build up all the time.

When my jaw locked up this last time I started doing some research on-line. I cannot believe I was never informed about how debilitating this condition can be and how many negative effects it has. Here is a list of symptoms, if there is an X by it I have it. There is no known cure or there very many experts in this field. A Dr. knows nothing about it and most Dentist know little. There are very few treatments and I definitely don't want to have surgery on my jaw but man I am only 36. I cannot live the rest of my life like this and a mouth piece is just a temporary fix. The dizziness alone is driving me crazy. I have found a few people online selling their mouth exercises and they say it works. I am thinking about shelling out the $50 bucks and going for it. Any of you lurkers out there have any advice on this subject?

Eye Pain and Eye Problems:

X Bloodshot eyes
X Blurring of vision
Eye pain above, below and behind eye
Pressure behind eyes
X Light sensitivity
X Watering of the eyes

Head Pain, Headache Problems, Facial Pain:

X Forehead pain
Cluster headaches
X "Sinus Type" headache
Hair and/or scalp painful or sensitive to touch
X Headaches at the back of the head, with or without shooting pain

Teeth and Gum Problems:

X Clenching during the day or at night
X Grinding teeth at night (bruxism)
Tooth pain
Sensitive teeth

Mouth, Face, Cheek, and Chin Problems:

X Discomfort or pain to any of these areas
X Pain in cheek muscles
Uncontrollable tongue movements
X Jaw and Jaw Joint Problems
X Limited opening
X Inability to open the jaw smoothly or evenly
Jaw deviates to one side when opening
Inability to find the correct bite with teeth
X Clicking or popping jaw joints
Uncontrollable jaw movements

Ear Pain, Ear Problems:

X Hissing, buzzing, ringing, or roaring sounds
Diminished hearing
X Clogged, "stuffy", itchy ears
X Feeling of fullness
X Ear pain without infection
X Balance problems, vertigo, dizziness

Throat Problems:

* Swallowing difficulties
* Tightness of throat
* Sore throat with no infection
* Voice fluctuations
* Laryngitis
* Tongue Pain

Neck and Shoulder Problems:

X Neck pain
X Tired, sore neck problems
X Shoulder aches
X Back pain (upper and lower)
X Arm and finger tingling, numbness, and/or pain
X Stiffness

As you can see I have MOST of the symptoms listed. The neck and shoulder thing I have had for many many years. The only thing that it has not effected is my throat.

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